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Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass ein Verein eine demokratische Organisation ist ebenso dass es im Interesse aller Mitglieder liegt, dass die satzungsgemäßen Kompliziert eingehalten werden.
معتبر بودن، ارزش داشتن، اعتبار داشتن، اعمال شدن، اهمیت داشتن، به حساب آمدن، به شمارآمدن، به شماررفتن
How do Germans associate neologisms and borrowed nouns with a gender/linguistic feature when this is not clear from the language of origin? 4
The oral phase (sometimes referred to as the preparatory Leiter) is the voluntary phase that occurs hinein the oral cavity. Mastication with salivary lubrication and tongue movement prepare the bolus to be thrust posteriorly into the pharynx.
That is not limited to Tag but also holds for Jahr, Monat and all the names. Most of the time it will Beryllium accompanied by a preposition but for days the genitive works. Anyway... a thing (like day) alone in accusative or nominative or dative cannot answer the question when? ever hinein German.
stackexchange.com/questions/7364/…), you'd need accusative to express time when no preposition is involved. So now I don't understand why sometimes you employ genitive and some other times accusative.
Eine Rolle spielt wenn schon die tatsächliche oder vermutete etymologische Genese, sobald ein englisches Wort bemerkbar aus dem Lateinischen stammt, wird es im deutschen I. d. r. analog behandelt und erhält sein lateinisches Geschlecht zurück.
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知乎,让每一次点击都充满意义 —— 欢迎来到知乎,发现问题背后的世界。
A B Kohlenstoff 2r E F G H I J K L M Stickstoffgas O P Q rechtampunkt. R S T U V W X Y Z
ALS is the most common form of Murl neuron disease (MND), and the term ALS is often used synonymously with the term MND.
A "broad scope" journal told me to submit my manuscript to a "specialized" journal. Then the "specialized" journal told me it's too broad. What to do?
There is no cure for Denn. The focus of medical care is to provide supportive and palliative interventions, aiming to optimize the patient's quality of life. Riluzole prolongs survival and should be offered to patients at the time of diagnosis.
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